
There seem to be more questions than answers: Is this the job I want for the rest of my life? Do I even like my job? Am I making enough money? Everyone at work is counting on me , am I good enough? Everyone around me seems to be settling down, am I supposed to too? Why can’t I find a partner who gets me? Do I want to marry my partner? I am married, but am I happy? Do I want kids? Do we want kids? We have kids, oh no, now what? I want to be a good dad, but how? What is this whole parenting thing about? Aren’t I supposed to know all of this by now?

It’s okay to not have your life neatly organized and boxed away. Society, and often times family and friends, place an expectation on you to marry, provide for your family, have kids, and settle down. Not only are you expected to do all of that, you are also expected to be happy while checking off each of these boxes. Having doubts and being unsure while making big decisions is healthy. It is a sign that you are contemplative and self-reflective. Sifting through all of the different voices, viewpoints, opinions, and thoughts is really difficult. How are you supposed to make the “right” choice?

During our sessions, I will help you sort through the aspects of your life that feel overwhelming and unmanageable. Together, we can find out what you really want and what you really need. We can identify why your relationships feel like they are in disrepair, and what you need to do differently to turn them around.

It is difficult to open up and accept that you don’t have it all under control, despite your best efforts to make it appear that you do. Taking that first step is hard, and I understand that. Maybe you aren’t sure if the whole “therapy thing” is for you, and maybe it isn’t. Therapy is just one way to create change in your life. If it sounds like you might benefit from working with me, please get in touch.