
We just need help to improve our communication. Sound familiar?

Creating and maintaining a foundation of healthy communication with your partner is challenging and at times may seem downright impossible. Sharing your life with someone else is hard! The love you each have for each other, unfortunately, might not be enough. You want to trust them, but we don’t want to get hurt. You want to be vulnerable, but it’s gone so badly before. You want to be truly honest, but how could I tell them these things? These are all natural conflicts that occur and learning how to navigate this tension is extremely difficult.

Healthy couples don’t just happen, they require hard work from both sides. You are reading this because something is not quite right at home. In couples therapy, I will help you both learn how to say to each other what is not being said. You may think you are right, and they are wrong; do you want to be right or do you want to be happy? Whatever you are each doing right now, it is not working and you deserve more. It is time to break free of the pattern you’ve been locked in and shift into something better.