Young Adults

Finishing up college and being cast out into the world can be really stressful.  Wasn’t life supposed to get easier, not harder, as you got older? No one prepared you for this and yet here you are, a young man out there in the world, expected to have it all figured out before it’s even begun.

Things that you used to take for granted or not think about so much are beginning to take on new meaning: romantic relationships seem to be getting more serious, people are counting on you more, your responsibilities are increasing, and you are choosing and starting a career. You are taking command of your life, and there is no one there to do it for you any longer. You are fully in charge of how you want to be with others and how you want to be in relation to yourself. It can be daunting, overwhelming, and scary.

Family, work, friends, society, and your partner all place a lot of expectations on you. Everything feels like it is happening so fast, and sometimes it may feel as though things are happening TO you and you are not actually in control. If that describes how you feel, you are not alone. Feeling this way is natural and it’s something we all experience at some point. It is what you do in the face of this adversity that defines what kind of a man you are and what kind of man you will become.

Asking for help does not mean that you are incapable or “not a real man”. Asking for help is a sign of strength, maturity, and self-confidence. You are self-aware enough to realize that what you’ve been doing isn’t working anymore and you need to figure out a new way of being. No matter what you are struggling with, therapy will be a place for you to learn about yourself more deeply and affect the change you want.